
Merey’s Book Review: The Missing Link-Found!

As homeschooling moms have learned, nothing cements learning like a good story. Move over, Nancy Drew, because the Truth Seekers are here! Though Nancy was moral, this homeschooled brother and sister love Jesus! So does Mom, Dad, and the rest of the family. Missing Link: Found is filled with action and adventure from deep sea fishing in the Keys to an archeological dig in Central Florida. Being a Floridian, I was thrilled with the setting! Dad, Dr. Jack Murphy, is an archeologist. Mom is pregnant!  

Merey’s Book Review: The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling is an old fairy tale written by Danish author and Christian Hans Christian Anderson. All of his tales are enchanting. Some have happy endings. Some have bittersweeet endings. 

Merey’s Book Review: The Genius of Ancient Man

The Genius of Ancient Man: Evolution’s Nightmare by Don Landis is published by Master Books and available from Great Christian Books. Written for adults who want to learn more about the Bible and ancient history, it is also suitable for high school and advanced middle school students.

Merey’s Book Review: Pilgrim’s Progress

This allegory (symbolic story) follows Christian, the hero of the story and a pilgrim on a journey from the City of Destruction to the Heavenly City. An allegory is a story on two levels. On the first level Pilgrim’s Progress is a literal adventure story with all kinds of twists and turns. But, there is a second level to the story. The symbolic story is the story of every Christian who tries to live a pure Christian life. We each have our own adventure of trials, temptations, and tribulations.

Merey’s Book Review: Hittite Warrior

This is a grand adventure set in Ancient Times where the Hittites were a powerful force to be reckoned with, Judges ruled in fledgling Israel, and the early Greeks, or Mycenaeans, were growing in power.
