Beauty Secrets for Homeschool Moms

Who doesn’t long to be beautiful? As moms, very little times exists in our lives to dedicate to outward beauty. We are rushing, moving, working throughout the day, making the world a better, brighter place for our family. When we finally get some make-up on our face and a pretty outfit on our body, it is more than likely to be spit upon or spilled on by one of our little ones.  

If we have several children, our bodies are not as trim and firm as we would like them to be. There are also those pesky bags under our eyes from sleepless nights of nursing a sick child or comforting someone who’s had a bad dream.

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Beautiful Mothers

et, I think that there is nothing more beautiful than a mother!

Motherhood is beautiful. The gaze of love that a mother gives her child is breathtaking to behold. The look of joy on a young woman’s face when her little one learns to read, or pee-pee on the potty, or recite his multiplication tables is lovely.

There is a beauty about pregnancy, nursing, and motherhood that is impossible to duplicate. Moms lugging a load of laundry to the washer, washing dishes at a sink full of suds, or bandaging a boo-boo are pleasing to the eye. How delightful to watch a mother giggle with her toddler or gaze in wonder at a butterfly with her young child.

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Kingdom Beauty Queens

Let’s throw away Hollywood’s definition of beauty and embrace the Lord’s definition of what is truly lovely. Grandma used to say, “Pretty is as pretty does.” She must have read the Bible!

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful,” (I Peter 3:3-5).

Hollywood focuses on the outside. God is more concerned about the inside. A gentle and quiet spirit can make us beautiful and not just lovely for a season, but with a beauty that won’t fade away.

If you have spent any time around God’s church family, you have heard about a gentle and quiet spirit. You have probably prayed, like me, “Lord, please give me a gentle and quiet spirit…NOW!”

Cultivating a Gentle & Quiet Spirit

I am, by nature, anything but gentle and quiet. In fact, I have a difficult time NOT talking. In high school, a friend put a twenty dollar bill on my desk and offered to give it to me if I could go without talking for five minutes. Needless to say, he kept his twenty dollars. My thoughts are always busy plotting and planning.

But, over time, I have learned to put my hope in God who does all things well. I have seen that He is faithful and always knows what He is doing in my life. Even when I mess things up miserably, He comes in, picking up the pieces, giving beauty for ashes.

Because of His kindness and wisdom in running my life, I continue to put my trust in God day after day. This brings a quietness to my soul, a rest to my spirit. When I entrust myself to His plan, peace comes into my heart.

Husbands can make bad decisions. Children can make big mistakes. Cars can break down. Houses can go into foreclosure. But, God is always there, redeeming everything, turning the bad into something good and lovely. Knowing Jesus and His intervention in our lives is to be beautiful inside our spirits. 

Trusting God keeps worry lines (wrinkles) from forming on our foreheads, putting pretty smiles on our faces. When peace and joy are in your heart (as a result of trusting God!), it shows in your face! It also shows in how you walk, moving with grace, head held high (laughing at the days to come!). There are no sagging shoulders carrying heavy burdens. Your step is light and easy. A gentle and quiet spirit is beautiful on the outside too!

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Beauty on the Outside

Once the inside is lovely, adorning the outside is easy. Shining, healthy hair, good posture, and a welcoming smile are assets for every beautiful homeschooling mom. Regular exercise, meticulous hygiene, and a nutritious diet will give you physical stamina and a healthy glow. A healthy mom is an attractive mom!

Choose your clothing carefully. Every time you get dressed, pretend that you are spending the day with Jesus in person. Wear what would be pleasing to Him. Dress modestly, choosing clothing that fits your shape and size in a flattering way. Pick out colors that look good with your hair, eyes, and skin tone. Wear clothes that you like wearing, that make you feel good! Accessorize with fun and flair, but keep it simple. Don’t wear things that baby will pull off.

If you are a nursing mother and feel comfortable in sweats, then choose sweats in a color and style that is flattering. If the baby grabs at all your jewelry, then wear a pretty barrette in your hair. If you have to wear your hair in a ponytail to keep it out of the way, then tie a pretty ribbon or scarf around it. I can’t keep fingernail polish on my fingernails, so I normally don’t bother wearing it. But, I always wear toe nail polish–it makes me feel pretty.

Growing More Beautiful

Pursue beauty from the inside out. Remember that motherhood is lovely to behold, this time a precious gift from God.

Enjoy this season and be beautiful in it. 
Merey (Meredith Ludwig Curtis)

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