Merey’s Book Review: The Little Man in the Map

“Look at this beautiful picture book!” I gasped as I opened the unexpected package that had arrived from the mailman as we were leaving for homeschool coop.

“C’mon, Mom, we’re going to be late…Wow! That is beautiful! Where did you get that book? It’s amazing!”

We brought it with us, passing it around in the car. I gazed at it intently every time I stopped at a red light. We were are entranced by the pretty artwork.

I was so excited to finally be able to sit down and study each page carefully. It made me feel little a little kid again. I wish I had learned U.S. geography with this book. It made everything so simple!

I wasn’t the only one in the family who couldn’t wait to sit down and spend time curled up with this book. Little Man in the Map was one of the most popular items with my children that I have reviewed!

And so began our introduction to The Little Man in the Map by E. Andrew Martonyi. This large and lovely picture book is the most creative way I have ever seen to learn the fifty states. Of course, I do love well-written beautifully illustrated picture books. Is there anyone who doesn’t love them?

This book is filled with little clues to help you remember the fifty United States of America. Betcha didn’t know that there is a state shaped like a chair, another like a cup, and one state is even shaped like a dining room table. But you have to start with the Little Man in the Map.

And just who is this Little Man in the Map? Well, I won’t tell you, but I will give you a clue. Look carefully at a map of the United States and you will see him in the center facing east.

What follows are fun clues to help students find and remember the location of all the states on the map. Of course, the center of it all is…The Little Man in the Map!

This is a fun, innovative way to learn United States geography. The book is  illustrated by Ed Olson. I loved his artwork–bright and colorful! His animation is happy and fun! Take a look at some of the book’s illustrations at Design Loft Studio.

usa, capitals, map-155594.jpg

I did not have a firm foundation in geography when I began homeschooling. This really hit home to me when we lived in Virginia Beach and had navy friends leaving for a Mediterranean six month cruise. I had no idea what countries bordered the Mediterranean Sea. Yes, it’s true, I am ashamed to confess.

I have to admit that I learned geography right along with my children. This is a book that will also help some of you geography-challenged moms too. No matter what age we are, geography comes down to memorizing locations of political boundaries, rivers, seas, mountains, and other landforms. Some adults could not fill in a blank outline map of the United States of America, but hopefully all of our children will be able to do so when they finish elementary school.

A map and teacher’s guide is also available for you to use in your home school. This little teacher’s guide is filled with creative assignments to enhance your geography instruction with your children. Why don’t you “bake the states”? Or, better yet, write a travel advertisement. Of course, children love to play games too. You can find all these activities and more in the teacher’s guide.

Little Man in the Map is a keepsake book. Yes, it is a great book to read aloud to your children, a great teaching tool, and a great geography supplement. But, this book is so lovely that I intend to protect it so that I can read it to my grandchildren one day. I want them to meet the Little Man in the Map too!

Be sure to check this book out. Your children will be glad they did.

Until Next Time, Happy Homeschooling!
(Meredith Ludwig Curtis)

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