This Sunday, we will celebrate all mothers and give them the applause and honor they deserve for their love, sacrifice, and devotion. To all you homeschooling moms out there, this is my applause to each of you. You are my heroes!
Come On Over For a Visit!
If you could come over to my house, I would put the tea kettle on and make you a big mug of herb tea. Then I would serve you a slice of my gooey rich Tunnel of Fudge Cake, rich chocolate cake with a ribbon of creamy fudge running through it. We would sit and talk about life, homeschooling, husbands, children, world affairs. I would encourage you, tell you that you are doing a great job, and remind you that you are the perfect parent for your child.
Then, I would give you a dozen roses, one for each year of homeschooling your children. I would ask you to smell the lovely fragrance and remind you that we are the fragrance of Christ to our children; and our whole family is the fragrance of Christ to the world.
We would tell each other stories and swap homeschooling tips, maybe even trade recipes. Soon, we would admit the really funny stuff, those stories that make us laugh until tears stream down our faces.
After our visit, we would probably discover that, in spite of all our differences, we have so much in common, especially our heart for our children.

Homeschool Moms are so Cool!
There are many great maternal figures in the world, but, after all, who else but a homeschool mom….
…Gets up early while it is still dark…oops, wait a minute, that’s the Proverbs 31 Woman…teaches her children to fix their own breakfast at the age of two so she can grab a few more winks before she hits the ground running. After all, she was up all night nursing the baby.
…Claps her hands and says, “Great job!” when her children create explosions in her lovely kitchen.
…Begs her children to take one more year of high school because she loves having them home! “You can be a Super Senior,” she explains.
…Spends hours and hours planning her children’s education after attending workshops and conferences, reading books, scouring through catalogs, and talking to every homeschool mom she knows. Then, she worries that she is somehow not doing a very good job or that her children are “missing something.”
…Says things like, “T-t-take ow-ow-out the tr-tr-trash,” to everyone in the family when she is teaching phonics. She is the only person we know who stutters like this on purpose–she really doesn’t have a speech problem.
…Takes down an expensive Thomas Kinkade painting from the living room wall to hang a huge Rand-McNally world map.
…Has a special gift of creating piles of books and papers wherever she goes. There are piles in the kitchen, on the dining room table, near the computer, and next to her bed.
…Looks up everything online herself, but makes her children go to the library.
…Considers pets and pet training a unit study a family vacation one giant field trip, and purchasing a computer an “investment in the kid’s education.”
…Regrets that her children have never taken classes like bonsai, Ancient Greek, computer programming, or architecture. (Though they have studied Latin, Russian, formal logic, debate, and web design)
…Remembers cross-stitching, scrapbooking, gourmet cooking, and playing tennis with fondness, but doesn’t have time to do them anymore.
…Makes her own soap, but goes through the drive-thru at Wendy’s for dinner.
…Daydreams of the day when she can finally afford that special, expensive curriculum that she just knows will be the perfect match for her children’s learning style and personality.
…Got her account on facebook to keep an eye on what her children were up to, but finds herself on facebook more than all of her children combined.
…Is putting that college education to good use, even if she’s not bringing home a paycheck.
…Stays up late in the night planning something fun and educational to do the next day.
…Cuddles with her children on the sofa while reading aloud, even with her high-schoolers.
…Feels so proud of her children that she could just burst.
…Posts her children’s writing papers on her blog and facebook.
…Loves these years and wakes up every morning, thanking God for the privilege of homeschooling; except, of course, for the days she cries out to the Lord for strength to get through one more day of homeschooling.
…Practices what she preaches about making her children a priority.
…Counts each of her children among her best friends. And, each of her children count her as one of their best friends too.

Happy Mother’s Day, dear friends. May God richly bless you with every good thing. Enjoy your special day. Let your husband and children pamper you, called you blessed, and treat you like a queen. You are amazing!
Merey (Meredith Ludwig Curtis)